Full Sail University

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Rebecca Leis

Dr. 丽贝卡·莱斯多年来在人机交互和心理学方面的研究帮助她为Full Sail技术学生的职业成功做好准备.

丽贝卡·莱斯留着棕色头发,戴着玳瑁眼镜,穿着黑色西装外套. She is smiling.

在外行人看来,科技行业似乎全是数字. 但要创造下一代技术解决方案,你必须牢记用户心理. Luckily, Dr. Rebecca Leis — who is Program Director for Full Sail's Computer Science bachelor's (including concentrations in Mobile Development and Artificial Intelligence), Computer Science master's, and User Experience bachelor's degree programs — is skilled at both. Rebecca brings years of academic research in software development, psychology, and human-computer interaction to the programs she oversees, 帮助学生获得全面的培训,为他们在技术领域的工作做好准备.

As a Program Director, Dr. Leis确保在她监督下的项目教授行业标准技能,并以最好的方式为学生服务. Her education looks like a roadmap leading to those degree programs. She kicked off her post-secondary education with a bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Central Florida with a focus on human-computer interaction; she explored relationships between people and technology.

Rebecca went on to earn a master's and a Ph.D in Modeling and Simulation from UCF. 她在硕士期间参与的原创性研究不仅使她在计算机编程和仿真技术方面打下了坚实的基础,而且使她对人类思维有了敏锐的理解.

“我在UCF模拟与训练研究所工作过,那里有一个实验室主要研究生理反应," says Rebecca. “我们使用脑电图帽和医疗设备来监测你的电信号. 对我有启发的一件事是了解人类的大脑,以及当你与不同的技术互动时,它是如何在生物层面上工作的," she says.

UCF实验室的研究生水平工作与Full Sail的用户体验课程直接相关, including Physiology of Sensation and Psychology of Perception. "Those two [classes] are specifically about topics like, 人体以及我们获取信息和处理信息的方式是如何影响我们与科技互动的方式的," Rebecca says.

在她的硕士课程中,丽贝卡还参与了几个研究项目,探索人们如何利用技术变得更安全, 在石油钻井平台或核电站从事高风险工作的效率更高的工人. However, the research she helped conduct for UCF's Space, Science, 和灵性项目研究了技术如何影响人们对自己和世界的看法.

"It was a simulated space flight; you were coming from the Earth and you would kind of orbit around the Earth after you got outside of the atmosphere. 然后我们会监测你在此期间的感受,因为许多宇航员解释说,一旦他们进入太空,他们就会有这些精神体验. Seeing that is awe-inspiring to many people. 所以我们试图探索那种敬畏和惊奇的感觉,”丽贝卡说.

Rebecca的建模与仿真博士学位使她在人类认知和机器智能方面的背景更加深入. 她使用了自然语言处理(人工智能的一个分支,帮助计算机收集数据), categorize, understand, 生成人类语音)来扫描关于建模和仿真行业的书面内容. 她的研究着眼于公开期刊文章中的高等教育课程描述, as well as modeling and simulation job postings, 确定在大学阶段教授哪些技能,以及如何将这些技能转化为技术就业市场的需求. 这些结果帮助她规划了Full Sail新的用户体验和计算机科学硕士课程.

有技术头脑的学生在丽贝卡指导的课程中选择时,需要牢记自己的爱好. According to her, 一个成功的UX学生将对平面设计的交叉点着迷, research, and the human factors that drive technology. Students under the Computer Science umbrella should love programming.

"Knowing beforehand that you like to program, 或者是那种非常细致的任务,需要你集中精力好几个小时……这是行不通的, it doesn't work, then it finally works. So [a successful student will] one, know that you like programming. Two, not be afraid of failure. And three is just having a love for lifelong learning," she says.

学生是否在Full Sail的计算机科学学士和硕士菠菜台子大全中学习软件开发技能, 在人工智能或移动开发集中解决AI解决方案和应用程序开发, 或者在用户体验项目中深入研究以人为本的技术设计, they can rest assured that their education is overseen by an industry pro.

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